Miscarriage, Resurrection and Adam's Task

I hardly know any believers who have not lost a child through miscarriage. The Bible teaches us several things about these babies of the Covenant: they are people, they are considered holy, God's promises are also to them, and they will be resurrected.

I believe that this is one way in which the Lord populates the world to come. Further, it demonstrates how the Lord Jesus' coming as the Last Adam has redeemed Man in all areas of his life.

The first Adam was tasked with filling the Earth with his children. The Fall and its attendant curse has made the fulfilling of this task impossible for us in our current state. We die, and our fallen nature has robbed us of the tools of dominion necessary to subdue the Earth.

But the Lord Jesus has redeemed us to our first estate. He has not only restored to us all we had lost, He furthermore has brought about the resurrection of our Covenant kids into a glorious day in which the people of God will inhabit a renewed Earth, in a city which has foundations, in numbers greater than any man can count. And so the first Adam, because of the second, finishes his task.

1 comment:

jenni said...

Seriously, didn't I marry a brilliant, interesting man? I learn from him every day.