
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Amen.

Today I hit what is considered to be a landmark age-the big 4-0. It's kind of ridiculous considering that I hit things for a living. But to me, this birthday marks the year or so in which I really did grow up. I buried my father, bought a home, and basically started doing responsible things. Theologically, a bit of a shift has ocurred as well--not a change of content, but perhaps of focus. I'm more Kingdom-driven than ever before, really working through the application to all of life of the things I carry around in my head all the time. Given the following, I know why.

Lord willing, this is supposed to be about the middle of my life. A little more than halfway through the first half, the Lord Jesus called me into His service and rescued me from my wanderings from Him. Since that time He has been even more gracious and kind to me than He was before in my rebelliousness. He has gently taken me through times of education and preparation in both my musical and devotional life, and, heck, through all the rest of it as well, because look at the title of my blog, okay?

So as the second half or so of my life begins, I find myself equipped more than ever to do what I should have done with the entire thing: devote myself wholly to the Living Triune God and serve Him to my utmost all my remaining days. I will play music for Him. I will be a good husband to my lovely wife for Him. If He wills, I will raise up Covenant children and bring them up in His knowledge. I will serve in His Church. I will teach His Word. I will spread His glorious Kingdom and obedience to His Law as far as I am able, and I will tear down strongholds and take on principalities under His banner, wielding His sword the Word of truth.

Joyfully. And you should, too. He deserves it and so very much more.


Todd Wright said...

Happy birthday, man. You're doing pretty good just to be halway through that life or yours.

Dan Dunlap said...

Happy Birthday, Drummer Boy! More Kingdom-driven sounds great! Now all we have to do is sand those rough theonomic edges down a little. But that might take a few more years. ;-)


Johnny! said...

With that Simpsons kid? Van Til already dealt with him.

rk said...

happy birthday man. i'm glad i call you friend.

let's do some gigs this fall, huh?