In a Nutshell

Theonomy simply defined: Saying "Jesus is Lord" and really meaning it.


travis said...

I am getting ready to start reading up on this stuff. I have been putting it off because I am actually scared of where it may lead me!

Are you a sabbatarian?

Johnny! said...

Yeah, if you swallow the red pill, we can't put you back in the Matrix. I'd recommend first Rushdoony's By What Standard?. That is, if you're not familiar with Van Til. The Recons learned their lesson from Van Til and then applied what they learned to everything. Biblical presuppositional thinking is the foundation of the theonomic position.

Johnny! said...

Travis, I am and I'm not. I work on Sunday evenings. Occasionally, my work also means I play Sunday mornings. I could look at that in a Levitical way, I suppose, but I look at it more like a "the Sabbath was made for man" kind of way.

Other than that, I deliberately rest and celebrate starting sundown on Saturday. My Sabbath-keeping tends to look like that of the Moscow, Idaho guys.