Baby Milo

So, a little abandoned kitten was heard crying from underneath our friends' shed...

Long story short: I'm the proud owner of another cat.

Milo is all of two weeks old. He can almost stand up by himself. He just started purring and when he cries, he sounds like a bird.

He's still a bottle baby, which means we get to get up a couple of times a night to feed him...

...and to, shall we say, assist him with his excremental needs. Kittens this young are stimulated by their mama.

At least we don't have to do it with our tongues.

It's going to be quite an adjustment, not only for Jenni and me, but also for Harley, our little maniac. He knows something is going on, but he seems pretty okay so far. We're keeping them segregated for a few weeks. As you can see, Milo's crate is about all the space he can handle.

Until you've seen a kitten this small sleeping, you have no idea what "heartbreaking" means.

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