You Can't Apologize if You Didn't Do It

The Senate has passed (unanimously) a resolution to apologize for slavery. The country is falling apart around us, and this is what they are working on? I suppose it's good to keep them distracted from ruining the economy further. Let's talk about apologies.

I do not apologize for slavery; I hold no slaves. The federal government owes no apology; they hold no slaves. There are no former slaves to whom anyone can apologize. Does this need to be pointed out? Really? Is someone of the African-descended persuasion's lot in life improved by Tom Harkin feeling sorry? Should it be?

Kidnapping, according to Scripture, is a capital offense. Those who rounded up Africans and forced them into servitude should have been executed for it. But they weren't. And instead of the proper course of action, we gave 600,000 lives and the Republic that was founded on July 4th, 1776. It is enough.

Someone in the Senate going to apologize for John Brown? How about for Lincoln?


Anonymous said...

here here!

jenni said...

Preach it. :)